The physio practice part 6
28.10.2024 Author: Nice-One
Daniela pushed Sara, who was sitting on the floor, to the side, grabbed her legs and turned her onto her stomach. She sat on Sara's lower legs, facing her feet. Sara could feel something being put around her ankles and strapped down. Still looking at Sara's feet, Daniela slid a little further up until she was sitting on Sara's bottom. Then she took one of the leather straps she had dropped on the cell floor earlier and tied Sara's knees tightly together as well. "Almost done!" said Daniela, and Sara felt Daniela stand up and fasten something to the back of the jacket with another strap. To her simultaneous amazement and horror, Sara felt her bound feet being lifted and apparently somehow strapped to the back of the jacket.
"Ever heard of a hogtie, sweetheart? Oh, you can't answer because of the gag! In any case, you know now! Enough fun and enough of your stomping around! There you have it! And what cute little toes you have..." That was a rather unexpected remark! Nevertheless, it was not entirely surprising when Sara noticed that Daniela was fiddling with her toes.
Daniela obviously knew what she was doing because it tickled like hell! "Hi, hihi-hahaha," Sara actually wanted to shout, but only a muffled "Miiiimmmpff" came out through the gag. "Are you ticklish, my darling? Let me see!" Daniela ran her long fingernails over Sara's feet, which were trapped and fixed upwards. "Miiiimmmpff, Miiiimmmpff! Miiiiiihihimmmpff!" In a pause for breath, Sara heard Daniela say: "Excuse me? I'm always amazed at how effective this gag system is! You know, a clever patient who was initially rather skeptical about the gag once said later: "It somehow holds back the bubbles in the champagne!" Anyway, I have to prepare something else now. Don't run away from me in the meantime, hihi!"
The moment Daniela slammed the door behind her, Sara slowly came to. She quickly realized that she was tied up very tightly and completely, with her arms strapped tightly around her upper body and her feet pulled up behind her.
Still lying on her stomach, she tried to roll over, but found that it was very difficult with her knees and ankles tied together. Apart from fidgeting on the spot, the best she could do was crawl a little, but only in increments of a few centimeters. And every time she tried, the belt in her crotch made itself felt again... She had to admit that she was still somehow pleasantly surprised by this. However, the tickling attack before had been much more intense - it was just madness! In fact, she had always wanted to be tickled mercilessly and relentlessly. Despite her more than unusual position, she was a little sorry that Daniela had let up so quickly.
After a few moments, the length of which she could not have quantified, her logical mind kicked in again. What a strange situation! How would this end? Or rather, how would it continue?
Well, all in all, she found it almost interesting and found herself more curious than afraid. Sara was self-confident and not claustrophobic. And at some point the announced two hours in the "individual waiting room" would be over. So she decided to relax.And indeed, the firm, constant self-hug made her feel strangely secure, and the soft floor and the literally soft environment around her had a calming rather than frightening effect on her. "Admit it!" she thought to herself. "You told the 'doctor' or whatever this person was yourself: you always feel stressed and rushed, with every step in your life you plan the next and the ten following actions! So let yourself go and relax! You don't need to do anything now because you're not capable of it anyway!" And so she fell asleep, feeling completely secure within herself.
- Ligoteur
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