Achim with the therapist Part 2

27.12.2024 Author: Shopify Dev
Bondage Domina

Only now did Achim notice that the room had no windows and the door had no handle, just a lock. Apparently an additional symbol of inescapability. Actually superfluous, he thought, because once someone was tied to this bed, they would no longer be able to free themselves...

There was a brief, claustrophobic moment when Achim realized all this. Then he took a few deep breaths to collect himself before taking off his shirt and pants and picking up the so-called tail restraint.

Nervousness and excitement dampened his excitement to a minimum, so that he finally put the toy aside again. Simply lying down and letting everything happen to him was not his thing. He too wanted to be conquered - preferably with tender, ticklish foreplay.

The straitjacket hanging on the hook, however, had a magical attraction for him. Fascinated, he examined it closely. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when he saw the long sleeves with thick straps at the ends. He had always dreamed of being helplessly stuck in one of these things and writhing under the skillful hands of a woman. Could this dream even come true today?

As he reached up to take the straitjacket off the hook, he was suddenly grabbed from behind. Two surprisingly powerful hands dug deep into his ticklish ribs and sides, causing him to fall forward with a laugh. But the tickling didn't stop - on the contrary, it got more intense and threw him completely off track.

Martina had quietly crept in and surprised him with targeted touches on his sensitive sides. He literally fell to his knees from laughter and tickling.

"You naughty boy! Didn't I tell you to lie down and wait for me? What are you doing snooping around here? Just wait, I'll have to bring you to your senses..." she scolded in a mock, stern tone. She tickled him so skillfully that he finally writhed on the floor and laughed breathlessly.

Actually, he was much stronger than Martina. But she hit his most sensitive spots so precisely that he became increasingly defenseless. Finally, he hardly knew what was happening to him when she grabbed the straitjacket and tied him up in it in a few quick movements. Admittedly, he didn't really resist - on the contrary, he even helped a little. Soon his arms were wrapped tightly around his body and he could no longer move them.

Martina helped him to his feet and led him to the bed. There he lay obediently on his back. He noticed that his best part had woken up in joyful anticipation and was creating a noticeable bulge in the skimpy material of his thong.

Martina tied his ankles to the bottom of the bedposts with leather cuffs, spread wide. She then kissed him gently on the nose and blindfolded him with a cloth.

“Ready for my very special therapy for particularly unruly patients?” An amused laugh rang in her voice, and Achim nodded silently, full of anticipation.

While Achim lay there, he tried to explore the space he had left. His arms were tightly wrapped around his body, there was no escape. But he could still have sat up - the immobilization of his feet would have actually helped.

His feet, however, were bare and defenseless, hanging out of the cuffs. He listened intently to Andrea's breathing to determine where she was. Would she take up a strategic position at the foot of the bed?

That didn't seem to be the case.Instead, he heard her say next to him: “Well, you seem to be feeling very comfortable here!”

A flash of intense excitement shot through him as she touched the bulge in his thong for a split second. What would happen next?

The answer was not long in coming...

sequel follows

- Ligoteur

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